Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Going Green to save the Environment Essay

Environment preservation has been of high concern by many environmentalists’, governments and other non-governmental organization. Due to the current situation of the environmental degradation, many campaigns by different organization have thus been put forward as a remedy to the effects of this problem. To curb this problem, different global attempts have thus been instituted to ensure a high concern to prevention of further degradation and limit the then effects born of this problem. Broadly, environment is the ecosystem in which man, animals and the plants survive in. For the health of the live on the earth, importance is attached to the influence of a health state of the environment. A polluted environment is harmful to man, the other animals and to the plants kingdom. Such comes from the indirect consequences that arise as a result of the harmful environment or directly through the health effects that poor environment has to the living things. In the ecosystem, living organisms interact with the environment in their pursuit of life in which case, they uses the environment to source for their daily requirements. If the environment is degraded, its maximum capacity to offer sustaining output to the living things in the ecosystem is destabilized, which results in the fatal effects of harm to these living things. However, the problem with such environmental degradation is rooted to human beings influence where man in the sole contributor to this problem. Through his daily activities in exploitation of the resources in the environment for his survival, man has continued to degrade the environment. (Wade, 2003) However, with the inset of the problem arising from this problem, man has embarked on the philosophy of ‘going green to save the environment’. This aspect entails the application of various attempts that brings one to being friendly to the environment as well saving money income in his operations. This has a double remedy the ones life, where one saves the environment using certain tools which are also economical in terms of money expenditure. (Beretz, 1999) Environmentalists and human activists have argued that man can only undertake to save the environment in an economical way through the various daily interactions with the environment at various levels. Such levels leading to going green to save the environment, would be captured at the people homestead, workplaces, use of recycling campaigns economy and optimality in peoples daily automobile system and proper concern on material and equipment storage. In such, various areas have been developed by the seventh generation in the realization of the roles that individuals can play at their personal level to save the environment in the cheapest means hence saving their income. The seventh generation is a group of human activists who have joined together to fight for the value of a clean environment. Their campaign is safety geared towards initiating environmental protection at the personal level. (www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) However, in understanding the concept, movers of this philosophy have to capture the diversity in the understanding of the term environment. Broadly, environment captures various sets of variable which will include pollution, demographic control, protection of the ozone layer, use of recycling to prevent pollution, use of environmental conservation methods, and aspects of global warming and endangering of some animal and plants kingdom. Perhaps, the greatest contribution has been by the government, international environmental laws on environment and other big organization of both national and international scales on environmental conservations. However, the contribution of these groups has perhaps been minimal, too costly and not optimal to addressing the issue. Research has showed that, despite the high campaign on environmental protection the problem continues to be a threat to the plant and animal ecosystem. With this challenge, the developers of the seventh generation movement work to remedy this problem through personalizing saving of the environment. The concept will basically involve the application of various conservation measures by the individual person which would be less involving in terms of time resources, effect to the external population and above all saving money. To an individual person, he will interact with various environments in his day to day live depending on different variables such as age, religion, occupation, gender, political orientation and personal social-cultural believes with the environment. In the different environments that individuals interact with, the concept of going green and save environment captures on how an individual person should relate with the immediate environment for its preservation but which would otherwise be of the most minimal cost. To the seventh generation activists’, man is involved in the use of some resources at his personal level which can be re-used once again and who’s un-optimal use leads to environmental pollution. Since such resource products are used by the individual, saving the environment would be fostered through recycling of materials. This would involve the re-use of the products for even other purposes and periods. Environmentalists argue differently on the consequences of recycling in relation to the economy as a whole. (Clay, 2001). In the broader sense of environmental conservation, recycling a product depends on the economies that may be got from such an activity. Firstly, if the product got from this activity is cheaper that that of a new product of the same nature, then recycling is an important tool as it will imply income saving. However, if the product got from the recycling is expensive than the purchase of a new commodity of equally the some nature, then recycling would be uneconomical and thus no need of doing such. To the individual level, the relevance of economies from recycling a product should guide him of whether to recycle the product or not. In one level, such an activity will only involve the particular individual. On the other hand, the activity will save him on income for purchase of other products. Sufficiently, the going green and save environment philosophy is captured at this point. Recycling will involve various resources products such as energy wear materials, use of recyclable products, keeping the air clean upon other activities for collecting rain water for household use and recycling plastic components such as bags that are not easy biodegradable. (Wagner, 2005) Through use of various household product recycling activities, an individual can save his income above saving the environment. At the homestead, individuals should recycle plastic bags, through using them time and again. Either, the use of easily biodegradable plastic containers and products for packing household waste is a measure. For ones physical outwear, clothe recycling is still a measure in which a person can wash a piece of cloth material for many times and still keep some few of them for his use. Some articles like paper towels as well as napkins should be made of recyclable paper material. In the physical decoration of the homestead with paint, brands of paints manufactured from some organic compounds which would be volatile and cheap as well having a lesser effect on environmental degradation should be used. At the personal level, cleaning compounds such as soaps and detergents have been a chief source of environment. ( Sivils, 2003). However, remedy to this would be personal manufacturing of his household cleaning products which can be done from various simple components which are cheaper and a highly environmental friendly. Other economies would be safety to the kids, the old people or pets who would be chemical sensitive hence affected by chemical cleaning materials. After a research carried recently rain water offers a fabulous health conditions to the individual. Rain water is normally healthier with fewer chemicals and therefore better for use by an individual. The opportunity cost of rain water is other sources which contains chemical compounds harmful to man. Either, such sources are normally costly and therefore uneconomical. For one to save income and be environmental friendly therefore, he should strategize to possibly have a collection of rain water. Such a method is cheaper and also safeguards the person against any health problem that may arise from use of treated water or water with various chemicals. An environmental friendly and cheap method can be on the deposition of individual food and organic leftovers, rather than trashing them to the dumping areas. In most the cities, environmental pollution has been as a result of food leftovers substances that are dumped in the dumping site by individuals. (Domoto, 1999) Intensity of such leftovers is environmentally unfriendly whose long run cost is perhaps too high both to the individual, community and the government. By using compost pits for your leftovers, it can alternatively be used as a source of organic manure for your field. Indeed, this method is cheap and ensures a high saving to the environment. ( www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) By and large, an environmentally friendly homestead is a key factor in concern to going green to save environment. The homestead is the living area of the individual. Therefore, it forms an environment which the individual person should work towards its upkeep. Broadly, diversified methods can be used to improve and maintain a good homestead environment at a cheap cost which is highly cost saving. Diversity in such household’s environment concerning issues varies from energy saving techniques and use of proper methods to conserve waste for household use. In various, studies household activities have been voted as a big contributor towards environmental pollution. Above this problem, such household activities are normally highly costing. Various household activities have led to external environment pollution which is harmful to the immediate individual in the application as well as the neighborhood as a whole. Perhaps the greatest household environmental pollutant is the energy system and activities used in the households. Various energy inputs such as cooking energy, lighting, water heating and laundry appliances have been a chief source of pollution. To avoid this, individual should use environmental friendly energy conservation methods that are also cheap. Some electrical systems and appliances are normally cheap and have less environmental pollution. Example, persons should aim to use fluorescent bulbs that are energy efficient. Home selection of such should vary with shapes, color hue match and room lighting. (Wagner, 2005) Many of these choices have been voted to use a scaled down amount of energy than the other versions. Other varied energy appliances in the homestead can highly help to save the environment above reducing costs of their use. The use of energy star appliances, reducing the homestead utility bill, use of wall warts which are adoptions used for drawing energy from homesteads walls and the use of other dormant appliances which do not use energy when off can highly help to save energy. Active home appliances should be left to home machinery which could only loose its memory when switched off. Household should use energy audit system to control the saving attributes at the homestead which help to save the individual income and the environment as a whole. Contributors of the seventh generation usually argue on the impact of energy as a major source of environmental pollution. Improper use of energy at home can be a chief source of high income expenditures and an environmental pollutant. At all levels, the going green to save environment at the homestead level will call for water saving measures. This will involve on the general methods in use of water at home and the water heating methods which should be through the use of solar heaters rather that electricity. In all such activities the individual incomes is saved as well as the environment. (Wade, 2003) As a whole, personal use of automobiles has been a detriment to environmental pollution. In big cities of the world’s most developed urban areas, exhaustion of fumes, extravagance consumptions of fuels and vehicle jams have highly contributed to environmental pollution. To the individual person, the going green and save environments involves use of car and gas saving instruments that calls for less pollution and lower transport cost. To the individual going green on cars involves economical car application tools which may not imply direct use of transports. Such measures may include public transport use, operating work at home, probably renting of a car, economical driving and the use of environmental friendly fuels in your cars. Such aspects by an individual works toward achieving the going green in conservation of environment as well as saving income. A persons equipment purchases are taken for storage at the stores. To the individual, the storage system of his purchases may highly lead to environmental pollution. The store system should involve methods that help to reduce pollution. Stores packaging, volume of purchases, conditions at the stores should be environmental friendly at a cheap source. (Clay, 2001) The dimension of going green to save the environment tries to capture the possible ways in which an individual at his personal level can work towards minimizing environmental pollution with the cost aspect being minimal. It seeks to draw environmental protections activities and campaigns have been moved from the government or other big organization and bringing it close to the individual level. This has been done after a close realization on the importance of the role played by individual in protecting the environment on economical base rather than use of the broader institutions at higher expenses. Reference: Beretz, C. (1999) Saving the Farm: Forum for Applied Researched Public Policy Vol. 14 Clay, R. (2001) Saving the Earth from Space: Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 109. Domoto, A. (1999) Saving the Environment Women at the Wheel: UN Chronicle Vol. 36. Seventh Generation (September 2007). The non-Toxic Times News letter. www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46 Retrieved on September 29th 2003 Sivils, M. (2003) Rosendale Steven Ed. The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory an the Environment: Studies in American Fiction Vol. 31 Wade, M. (2003) Saving the Planet: Report Debunks Myth That African Americans Don’t Care about the Environment Black Enterprise Vol. 34 Wagner, C. (2005) Saving the Environment Saves Human Lives: Environmental protection Programs Could Reduce Impacts of Future Disasters: The Futurists, Vol. 39

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poverty Mother of All Crimes Essay

Does poverty cause crime? Are people criminal because they are poor, or are they poor because they are criminal? The latter is uncontroversial, given the time and professional and educational experience inmates lose, the difficulties they have finding a job after their release etc. But what about the former statement? Crime obviously has many causes, and poverty is most likely one of them in some cases. It seems likely that some poor people may sometimes have to resort to theft in order to survive. But the causal relationship between crime and poverty is only likely for some types of crimes. Other crimes, such as fraud, crimes of passion, serial murder etc. bear absolutely no link to poverty. There may be even an inverse link, since poor people are not in a position to carry out a crime like fraud or insider trading. This paper lists some of the statistics that show a possible correlation between poverty and crime – mainly property crime, more than violent crime. There is also the fact that African-Americans in the U.S. are overrepresented both in prisons and in poverty statistics (see here), indicating as well that there is a correlation. There is some anecdotal evidence (there are many news stories indicating a link, such as the stories about people stranded on a desert island, being subject to extreme scarcity and engaging in crime such as murder and cannibalism). But there’s also anecdotal evidence to the contrary. During the Great Depression, for example, crime did not increase significantly. Poverty can also be an indirect cause of crime. As it leads to under-education it may make the choice of a criminal lifestyle more likely. This graph shows the proportion of US inmates that is illiterate, compared to total US illiteracy: (source) I couldn’t find any data on previous illiteracy, so it may be that under-education (and hence in many cases poverty) is not the cause of crime, but the consequence; being in prison in principle doesn’t help you to get educated. Anyway, it seems intuitively acceptable that there is some causal link between crime and poverty, in both directions. So dealing with crime without dealing with root causes of crime such as poverty, and only focusing on punishment is indeed not the best option. However, none of this should imply: †¢that poverty somehow determines crime, or that crime is a necessary result of poverty; many poor people are not criminals, and many rich people are †¢that poor people are perhaps not predetermined to be criminals, but that they are more disposed to crime than other people; that would be insulting †¢that there are no other, perhaps more important causes of crime such as irresponsibility, immorality etc. †¢that poverty is somehow an excuse for crime, or perhaps even a justification; I think it’s not even a mitigating circumstance †¢that poverty should be reduced to a problem of crime; poverty, slums and homelessness should not be eliminated because they are so-called breeding grounds of crime, but because we have a moral duty to do so. Given the causal link, we should also accept that poverty, like a bad upbringing, is often abused as a false excuse for crime. A related question is the following: are poor inmates incarcerated because they are criminal or because they are poor and can’t escape the law as easily as the rich? Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives everyone the right to legal defense, without charge if necessary: Everyone shall be entitled to have legal assistance assigned to him, in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it

Monday, July 29, 2019

1.Why did Berkeley assert that the existence (esse) of the objects of Coursework

1.Why did Berkeley assert that the existence (esse) of the objects of knowledge consists in their being perceived (percipi) - Coursework Example Thus, an object cannot exist without being perceived. The act of perceiving on the other hand is the product of mind or spirit. It is the mind and spirit that generates ideas and perceive them. Since spirit perceives ideas, it is referred to as understanding. According to Berkeley, it is the understanding that results to the existence of matter. Therefore, what people consider as matter is only the idea that is generated from the sensory perception of physical characteristics of an object. Additionally, one can also deduce that Berkeley asserted that the existence of the objects of knowledge consists in their being perceived because ‘existence’ â€Å"consists of the state of actively perceiving or of passively being perceived† (Berkeley 5). According to him, if something lacks the ability to perceive or it cannot be perceived, then there is no need of claiming that it exists. Thus, Berkeley asserted that the existence of the objects of knowledge consists in their being perceived because he believed in any idea on what objects entail being the product of mind and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Essay

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Grew Old and Died by William Maxwell and the Garden of Eden from the Bible - Essay Example He/she claims that the story is in the Leipzig edition of the book; however, Beckford’s book does not have any reference to the case that told in the story. The major theme of the story, as its title also implied, is the question of immortality/temporality. In that sense, the story reminds â€Å"Garden of Eden† in the Bible. The aim of this paper is to compare how the theme of immortality/ temporality is interwoven into the fabrics of both stories. Firstly, a brief account on the theme of immortality in the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story will be given. Then, the stories’ differences in regard to the theme will be discussed. Before proceeding to the comparison, the question of immortality raised by the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story must be discussed. The question of what death is and whether Adam was made mortal holds a crucial place in biblical studies. The question of mortality/immortality is significant in a sense that it puts the authority of God in question while raising a suspicion that whether the snake was right. In Genesis 2: 15-17, God makes an arrangement with Adam and tells him that he will die if he eats of the tree of the knowledge: The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying â€Å"You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, â€Å"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.† It is very clear from the above passage that if they disobey God’s command, they will be punished by death sentence. On the other hand, when the serpent and Eve converse (3:1b-5), the serpent says to the woman â€Å"You will not surely die† and contradicts God’s commandment of â€Å"You shall surely die†. However, although they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they did not die and God pronounces a different sentence in 3:14-19. The discrepancy between the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Project Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Project Report - Essay Example The petroleum cars contribute to alto of pollution whereby they may leave poisonous exhaust fumes or oil leaking from their engines. To conserve the various natural plants and animals, it is important to take into consideration conservation measures that will help preserve the forests. Using electric cars and bicycles will reduce exhaust fumes and the spillage of oil in North Pennines and, as a result, reduce pollution mainly. The paper will, therefore, focus on the use of alternative transport like bicycles and electric cars to reduce stress to reduce pollution to the natural environment of North Pennines. North Pennines is a natural reserve that people visit especially in their leisure or past times. It is a natural habitat far away from the city and the many activities that affect the cities and towns. There are people who stay there and as a result help to maintain and take care of the various plants and animals. The area has human settlements and the forests and natural areas where people do not inhabit. The people thus visit North Pennines to enjoy the tranquility associated with it and to venture into natural adventures especially when sampling the various animals and organisms in North Pennines. The environment is mostly natural and an excellent habitat for the different plants found in North Pennines. Many people come with their private cars into North Pennines. Most people use their cars to move around and, as a result, a venture with the cars to North Pennines. They travel through the vast lands and the moorland using their cars. The cars, therefore, cover a lot of mileage w hen moving around North Pennines, and, as a result, bring with them a lot of pollution to an area that does not have much pollution near it. It is in a remote place, so the use of a car is essential for accessing it. People can use bicycles in accessing the area. Since cars come with pollution, it is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Accounting for Decision Makers -Discussion Question Assignment - 2

Accounting for Decision Makers -Discussion Question - Assignment Example The decision to further process a product after the split-off point invites further costs and revenues known as the incremental costs and revenues (Sell-or-process-further decision, 2013). Management accountants can support the decision to process further only if it generates more revenue than costs. Based on the case of the Port Allen Chemical company, raw material D is used in the production of products E and F. Based on the case, $ 100 is the cost of converting 100 liters into 60 liters and 40 liters of products E and F respectively. Therefore, the cost of producing 60 liters of product E = (60/100)*100 = $ 60, while the cost of producing 40 liters of product F = (40/100)*100 = $ 40. Product F can be sold at $ 6 or can be further processed at an additional cost of $5/liter and can be sold for $ 13/liter. Based on the information, the incremental revenue per liter = (13 – 6) = $ 7. The approach of the analysis is incremental costs as done below (Hartgraves & Morse, 2015). Based on the above table, the decision to process product F further generates more revenue than the cost incurred ($ 80). The incremental approach states that when the difference between the incremental revenue and incremental cost is positive, the process further decision should be implemented. Otherwise, the decision to sell is suitable (Hartgraves & Morse, 2015). Therefore, Port Allen Chemical Company should further process product

Feasibility study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Feasibility study - Research Paper Example Protein is in the spotlight today because it is not only healthy, but it is also truly the essence of life. The Atkins diet hasn’t hurt the business any either but rather it has enlightened the mankind about importance of protein rich diet and ho it is healthy and valuable to the human beings. Many consumers have found cheese great for their diets and it has helped spur growth in the single-serve cheeses that are purchased in the grocery stores as an easy means of a quick snack readily available off the corner. Convenient foods are an ever growing food segment too which mostly contain cheese. Peezanoâ„ ¢ seeks to leverage and capitalize on the numerous competitive advantages its patents are able to provide in the food service (bulk cheese) and packaged cheese goods markets. In addition, the Company has identified a line of proprietary, delicious tasting, health conscious and convenient meal solutions. Peezano will initially target the domestic mozzarella cheese market as a means to leverage its advantage over the mozzarella cheese. This market represents well over 3 billion pounds of cheese produced and consumed each year which represents over pounds 4 billion in sales. The Company’s Peezanoâ„ ¢ cheese, will be marketed as a Premium level cheese with more flavor, fewer calories, less cholesterol, more tender and with a longer shelf life. Phase 1 : Product/Service Feasibility Analysis Cheese manufacturing technology developed by Peezanoâ„ ¢ allows it to produce a new kind of cheese that is better tasting than mozzarella and yet at a 30% lower cost. In 2010, the British consumers have consumed more than 2.6 billion pounds of cheese (www. According to the most recent statistics, â€Å"Latest  Kantar Worldpanel  data shows that cheese volume sales have increased by 3.2% (12,649 tonnes) to 407,642 tonnes in the 52 weeks ending 26 December 2010, when compared to the same period in 2009. Spend has also increased compared t o the previous year, up by 3.6% (?84.8m) to ?2.5bn for the 52 weeks ending 26 December 2010.   The total average price stood at ?6.03/kg, 0.4% (?0.02/kg) more than the same period last year.† ( Cheese is a highly nutritious and palatable food which contains protein, essential minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients found in the milk base. â€Å"Almost all households in Britain purchase cheese with the average household buying 1.5 times per week. The typical basket size was up by 4.7% over the last year with the average price paid of ?2.70 per kilogram giving a total spend per person of ?95.68.†Ã¢â‚¬  ( Today, British manufactures are using more than one-third of their milk production to produce cheese for the country. Concept and usability Testing:   The new technology of cheese manufacturing and the cheese quality produced was subjected to extensive consumer taste research. The concept was

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Services and facilities offered by third party logistics provider Research Paper

Services and facilities offered by third party logistics provider - Research Paper Example In order to provide a complete supply chain, answers have to be able to take care of the length and breadth of data from outbound, inbound and reverse the processes (Changsen, Z., 2005). RCS Logistics is one of the providers of transport logistics. It has vehicles that range from articulated Lorries to small vehicles. Each is well maintained. The company has fully trained drivers who operate to the highest standard and ensure that customers get the best possible service. RCS Logistics transport services are: contract distribution, reverse logistics, double deck trailers, tail lifts, on line order entry and POD retrieval, Ad- hoc transport. RGF Logistics Limited has a reputation on giving high quality transport service to companies in the United Kingdom. They can provide modern vehicles, fully trained and informed driver. This is the same case as RCS Company. Unlike RCS, RGF Logistics has additional advantages. It delivers the goods within the same day or next day or within 72 hours depending on the customers need. It also distributes throughout UK and Europe. In the provision of warehousing services, all the four companies provide this service. Amethyst group is recognized as a leading company in offering warehousing and distribution services. It offers a specialist service to automotives and machinery, consumer durables and also in clothing fashion sectors. Store it all is another company that offers warehousing services. It offers a complete storage solution as it deals with storage of food stuffs, archiving and palletized storage. It can also receive orders as data downloads, through website integration, telephone, Email, PDF, excel, and other plat forms, data feed formats and layouts. Other services are: pick and pack, dispatch, returns handling, reporting, laser printed paperwork, packaging and print procurement. RGF Logistics have warehoused distribution services, which can cater for the needs of the customer. It has, designed warehouse

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

Leadership - Essay Example have devised a plan that will enhance my strengths so that they become my core competency thereby assisting me to survive in this highly completive world. Before framing the development plan I have decided to conduct a SWOT analysis which will help me to recognize those areas that requires special attention. SWOT helped me to understand not only my strengths and weaknesses but also gave a brief idea regarding the opportunities and threat which I am likely to face from the prevailing market scenario. Down the line five years I have a plan to be the head of Human Resource Management in one of a multinational company where I have to manage people from different backgrounds and different cultures. For handling the job responsibility I need to enhance my leadership skill and have to overcome the weaknesses as soon as possible. Considering my strengths and weaknesses I have decided to learn more regarding communication, transformational leadership, managing conflict, and valuing & supporting staffs. I know that my plan is to develop a long term plan so that the existing loopholes can be removed. I decided to make a three year plan within that time I can develop my self and make myself capable of handling the job responsibility of an affective HRM in a multinational company. It is a know fact that to attain success during implementations of a project, the plan should be broken down in small segment and one by one each part should be implemented. After one part of the plan is successfully implemented, I will go to the next one. I also have a plan to maintain records of my achievement in form of different charts and flow diagrams. This will be of great importance because with the help of this charts if can understand what I was suppose of attain and what is my real achievement. The gap between plan and real achievement will help me to understand where the progresses got deviated and what remedial actions need to be taken for smooth progress of the plan. This

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Child Labor In India Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Child Labor In India - Research Proposal Example It drops the children on the way, while the nearest village is 1 km. from the factory, the farthest one is about 20 km. The bus†¦ reaches the last village by 8 to 9 p.m. The bus starts from that village between 3 to 4 a.m. with the last child and proceeds towards the factory. It reaches the factory premise around 6 a.m. The sleeping children are thereafter dumped into a hall to sleep up to 7 a.m. After that†¦ they have their breakfast and start work† (Browne et al. 2005: 1). After almost six decades of Independence and more than a decade after India joined the United Nations Convention on Child Rights, children in the country persist to be the most abandoned segment. Statistics show that India has 17 million child laborers, which is the highest in the world. Illiteracy regarding the fundamental rights of a child has resulted in to trouble free violation of laws intended to safeguard and motivate children (Fan 2004). In homes, outside the safety of their houses, and in sweatshops, children are being oppressed and abused by many. More than half of the laboring children, or 54%, are in the agricultural sector and mainly others are employed either in construction work, which is 15.5%, or in domestic occupation which is 18%. Approximately 5% are in manufacturing occupations, and the remaining, which is about 8%, are dispersed across other types of occupation. The table presents a gender-based division of working children, and their educational circumstances. Please keep in mind that the data are for children in the age bracket of 5-14 years (Narayanan 2006, para 2). Child labor in India is a serious and depressing problem. Children below the age of 14 are compelled to work in glass-blowing, pyrotechnics and most generally, carpet-manufacturing companies. While the Government of India discloses about 20 million children laborers, other NGO’s approximate the population to be near to 50 million. Most widespread in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Contrasting the View of the Ultimate Reality in Relation to Science Essay Example for Free

Contrasting the View of the Ultimate Reality in Relation to Science Essay What compels mankind to seek unity between, science and religion, two compartmentalized and distinct aspects of our world? John Polkinghorne states, in â€Å"Does God Act in the Physical World†, â€Å"The demand for an integrated account of both theological and scientific insight impels us to the task† (Polkinghorne 59). Yet Polkinghorne is not alone is his quest; in â€Å"Emptiness and Form† Fritjof Capra connects the ultimate reality with the physical world. While Polkinghorne and Capra agree on certain ideals, such as the man’s inability to fully grasp the ultimate and the incorporation of quantum mechanics in each one’s respective argument, they also contrast in terms of the religions they use to defend their argument. This leads to differences in their views on the ultimate and His interaction with the physical world. While this leads to two distinct and diverse arguments, I believe that both arguments are equally presented in a reputable and successful manner. At one point in each of their respective arguments, Polkinghorne and Capra clearly state that the understanding of the ultimate reality cannot be fully understood by humankind. Polkinghorne writes, â€Å"We are a long way from a full understanding of our own powers of agency, let alone how it is that God works in the world† (Polkinghorne 74). Due to our limited minds and capabilities, mankind will never be able to fully grasp the ultimate reality in its full essence. It is quite mindboggling, if not impossible, to fully understand the ultimate reality, when it is as an infinite and omnipresent being. â€Å"The reality underlying all phenomena is beyond all forms and defies all description and specification† (Capra 211). The professor who taught my freshman Colloquium on Science and Religion once stated that God cannot be put in a test tube. While he did say this statement as a means to refute the existence of an ultimate reality, his assertion is valid; there is only so much we can know about the divine. It is crucial that both Polkinghorne and Capra affirm this position in order to clarify that while it is possible to unify the ultimate reality with the physical world, we will never fully understand the relationship. In evolution terms, there seems to be a â€Å"missing link† that allows us to connect both aspects. Also, both Polkinghorne and Capra use the ideas and concepts of quantum mechanics as premises when connecting the ultimate reality with the physical world. Capra’s discussion of electrons and photons becomes the premise for one of his deductions. Capra writes, â€Å"The full interaction between the electrons will involve a series of photon exchanges†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (216). This leads to the assertion that there are no true forces in the subatomic world but that these interactions are due to the exchange of particles, that according to the quantum field theory are created and destroyed (Capra 217). These two premises lead Capra to state, â€Å"The electromagnetic forces are due to the presence of virtual photons ‘within’ charged particles†¦[and]†¦the forces between particles appear as intrinsic properties of the particles. † After deducing this premise Capra goes on to say, â€Å"Such a view of forces is also characteristic of Eastern mysticism which regards motion and change as essential and intrinsic properties of all things† (221). In order to clarify this statement he utilizes aspects of Chinese religion and explains how this assumption of quantum mechanics is connected to the ultimate reality. Like Capra, Polkinghorne makes use of the theories and ideas of quantum mechanics as premise to relate the ultimate with the physical. One of the ideas he uses is the chaos theory. The theory says that events in a chaotic system are random but Polkinghorne employs this theory in his argument in order to show how deterministic chaos is not a valid argument, which will eventually lead to his idea of an open system. He says, â€Å"A chaotic system is not totally ‘chaotic’ in the popular sense, corresponding to absolutely random behavior. † There are certain possibilities known as a â€Å"strange attractor† and its limited to a certain extent, but this â€Å"detailed future behaviour of a chaotic system is unknowable† (Polkinhorne 52). Later on in his argument, Polkinghorne discusses the idea of deterministic chaos and consider it from a different viewpoint. He writes: Instead of adopting the conventional strategy of saying this shows that simple determinism underlies even apparently complex random behavior, I prefer the realist strategy of seeking the closest alignment of ontology and epistemology†¦[which] has the additional advantage of accommodating the notion of top-down causality in a natural way (Polkinghorne 64). The premise of top-down causality leads to his connection of the ultimate reality with the physical world and that God interacts with the world in a top-down fashion. If the ultimate reality does truly interact with the world, then this will lead to the discussion of an open system in which Polkinghorne also uses the basis of quantum mechanics in order to make a postulation. Another major theories Polkinghorne frequently refers to in his argument is the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which states that we cannot simultaneously know the position and momentum of any particle (53). This idea of uncertainty in the physical world is the premise that leads to Polkinghorne’s assumption of the universe as an open system. He writes, â€Å"The ‘gaps’ of quantum uncertainty operate only in particular circumstances†¦to produce an openness at the lever of classical physics† (Polkinghorne 60). While Polkinghorne advocates the idea of an open system, it is evident that his counter partner, Capra, sees the universe as a closed system. One of the major differences between Capra and Polkinghorne is the concept of a closed system versus an open system. Capra respectively agrees and accepts with the view of the universe as a closed system. Capra explains this concept by first explaining the idea of matter and empty space or the full and the void. He discusses how these are interconnected. â€Å"The two cannot be distinguished† (Capra 208). In Eastern religions, this Void â€Å"has an infinite creative potential†¦[which]†¦like the quantum field, it gives birth to an infinite variety of forms which it sustains and eventually reabsorbs† (Capra 212). The notion of it sustaining itself and reabsorbing leads to the idea of a system that is set up and is able to maintain itself without the help of an ultimate being. Buddhism expressed this idea of form and emptiness in a single whole entity. Capra quotes, â€Å"‘Form is emptiness, and emptiness is indeed form. Emptiness is not different from form, form is not different from emptiness. What is form that is emptiness, what is emptiness that is form’† (215). Also, Capra states that this form and emptiness is elevated into a vacuum diagram that â€Å"contains an unlimited number of particles which come into being and vanish without end. † This â€Å"physical vacuum†¦contains the potentiality for all forms of the particle world† (Capra 222). This system implies that the relationship between the ultimate reality and the physical world is one where the divine has set up system and does not intervene in our world. This premise eventually leads to the idea that there is no free will and that the universe is determined. This view of the universe completely changes the way we perceive the world. Without free will morals and ethics lose validity and are worthless to society. It is quite evident that Polkinghorne disagrees with this concept and presents his views of an open system. Polkinghorne would classify the idea of a universe as an closed system under â€Å"a minimalist response [which] is to decline to speak of particular divine actions and to confine theological talk to the single great act of holding the universe in being. † Polkinghorne believes that most scientists do not even consider this notion of a minimalist to be valid. He states that while God did establish the laws and set up the universe, this does not impede his interaction in the universe (Polkinghorne 54). He sees the connection between the ultimate reality and the physical world as â€Å"relating divine agency to human agency. † Polkinghorne explains, â€Å"When we act, we seem to do so as total beings† (57). Therefore God acts in the same as humans do, but it is seen as a God in relation to his creation. This premise leads to the top-down notion of the parts depending on the whole. With this top-down premise, Polkinghorne strengthens his argument of an open system by exhibiting that we are dependent on God, whether through the establishment of the laws or divine intervention in the universe. Polkinghorne also classifies the closed system as a â€Å"block universe†. He writes, â€Å"It is sometimes claimed that science endorses the alternative view that the universe ‘is’ rather than ‘becomes’† (Polkinghorne 68). This implies that the universe has a certain determinacy and that God does not act in the universe. Since the universe â€Å"is†, then it is conclusive that God must know the future because it is already determined. The view of the open system appears to be more logical and realistic, but at the expense of God’s infinite and omnipresent capabilities. He says, â€Å"†¦it is the universe of becoming that is the correct picture, then surely God must know it in its temporality, as it actually is. God must not just know that events are successive; they must be known in their succession† (Polkinghorne 69). While I agree that the universe is an open system, it cannot be at the expenditure of God. Say a person is on a roof looking down at an intersection; he can see all and everything laid out before him. He observes two cars coming at the intersection at the same time and foresees an accident. This is analogous to God and the universe, where God is in a position to see all and foretell all. Obviously, this is not a perfect analogy since the person is constricted by time and therefore could be incorrect in his assumptions. Therefore, if we accept the premise that God is infinite and outside the constricts of time, then we can conclude that God or the ultimate reality knows the future in an open system. The most crucial difference between the arguments of Polkinghorne and Capra is their definition of the ultimate reality. In each of their respective claims, the view of the ultimate reality has a drastic effect on the outcome of each argument. The belief in certain characteristics of an ultimate reality is important when there is an attempt to connect it to the physical world. Through further analysis of both arguments, it is evident that the difference between Polkinghorne and Capra is basically a Western Religion versus Eastern Religion discussion. It is evident that Capra takes the side of Eastern Religion; his book is titled The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. Throughout his argument he constantly refers to the ideas and beliefs of religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Chinese religion. He quotes from their texts in an attempt to connect their ultimate reality with the physical world. On the other hand, Polkinghorne utilizes Western religion as a means of connecting the ultimate reality with the physical world. Specifically he uses the values and teachings of Christian traditions. He says that the discussion of the unity of the ultimate reality and the physical world is â€Å"a perennial issue on the Christian agenda† (Polkinghorne 48). One aspect of the arguments that I found to be perplexing was the use of the same laws of the physical world as at he basis of each author’s respective argument. Obviously, Polkinghorne and Capra have their own agenda and argument. Therefore, what does this say about the laws of the physical world; can they simply manipulate to agree with any form of the ultimate? This cannot be valid or then the laws of the physical world can be disfigured in order to fit any belief system or value; either Polkinghorne must be right and Capra wrong, or vice versa. We cannot accept this dualistic view of the world that the universe can be open in some instances and closed in others. Yet, this view arises when we fail to realize that there is one ultimate reality or truth. If there was one truth, then there would only be one way to connect this ultimate to the physical world. At the same time, we cannot say that Polkinghorne is correct and Capra is wrong, or vice versa. If the premises that they base their arguments off are valid then we cannot deduce which argument is better, but only say that it is a conflict of realities. The success of the arguments lies in the belief of the premises of the religious and physical world. Faith is the true deciding factor that will allow us to declare a winner in this pursuit of the unity of the ultimate reality and the physical world. If we assume that the premises of the physical world and quantum mechanics in each argument to be the same, then the only significant difference between each argument is the view of the ultimate reality. Since I have Christian traditions and beliefs I would strongly side with Polkinghorne’s argument. Yet, if there is a person who has no solid beliefs, then these two arguments would seem valid and justifiable in their eyes, due to their lack of knowledge of the ultimate reality.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Introduction To The Kashmir Conflict History Essay

The Introduction To The Kashmir Conflict History Essay Demarcating boundaries to create nations has been an onerous exercise that has always been replete with controversies. Conflicts have been prevailing over it across the globe. This conflict has extended towards sea bodies as countries compete to control oil wells and other resources. The conflicts concerning North Korea and South Korea, the US and Mexico and Japan and China are some of the examples that have drawn international attention. The paper will however focus on issues related to the stalemate over Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Before 1947 India and Pakistan were a part of a Union that was under the control of the British Raj. While leaving, the colonial powers separated the region on the basis of religion giving rise to two nations: India and Pakistan. The transition was mired with incidents that were fraught with bloodshed and consequently the two nations developed an animosity towards each other. Another reason for conflict was over territorial command over Kashmir; an Indian state that lay along the borders of India and Pakistan. In a bid to control the region the two countries have been involved in numerous wars: the war in 1948 and 1965 and the Kargil war of 1999. India opines that Pakistan along with its agencies like the Inter-Services Intelligence or the ISI finances terrorism in the region to create instability while Pakistan claims that they rightfully own Kashmir. The region also has a third group known as separatists who want a separate identity without being a part of either India or Pakistan. The people of Kashmir have been traumatized by the level of insurgency in the region along with the atrocities committed by the Indian army under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA). At one time people had an inclination towards a particular nation but the atrocities perpetrated by these nations have held public opinion against these countries. Some have accepted the fact that they are helpless while the reactive ones resort to activities like mass protest and large scale stone slinging in order to claim their basic rights. The literature serves to provide a background to the conflict that includes the three major wars fought between them. It will first cover the reasons that led to the three wars (the 1948-1949 war, the 1965 war and the Kargil war) and the perspectives of both the countries will be discussed in relation to these confrontations. Elaborating on historical and contemporary issues, a comprehensive outlook of India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue will be discussed and the disparities will be extrapolated. Finally the paper will discuss the possible solutions to the Kashmir conflict. The solutions will be intensive and would encompass issues such as water sharing, providing autonomy to the people of Kashmir, nurturing trade and commerce and demarcating the boundaries of Kashmir based on communal considerations. The Battle for Kashmir a. Immediate post-independence 1948-1949 period As soon as the states of India and Pakistan were formed in 1947, the controversy over Kashmir arose. The two nations have been involved in four wars since the British left the subcontinent and the 1947-1948 was the first among them in which the rightful command over Kashmir was the contentious issue.  [1]  When the two countries were first formed, Kashmir was ruled by a Hindu king by the name of Maharaja Hari Singh. He was neutral to India and Pakistan and chose to remain independent. On October 22, 1947 a large number of armed tribesmen  [2]  , made inroads into Kashmir, plundered the villages and later set fire to these villages. It was at this moment that the king sought the assistance of India and in return decided to make Kashmir a part of the Indian Union. This gave rise to further conflict in the region. In 1947, India and Pakistan went to war over Kashmir. Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru appealed to ask the United Nations to intervene and a UN cease-fire was ar ranged for December 31, 1948.  [3]  A ceasefire was established through a Line of Control and Kashmir was acknowledged as a disputed territory (Kashmir is still considered to be a disputed territory against the popular belief in India that the region is a part of it). What needs to be acknowledged is that the war over Kashmir just after Independence had numerous dimensions to it. The Indian contingent claims that the Maharaja of Kashmir was harassed by the constant pillaging of Kashmiri villages by the tribesmen of Pakistan. To protect the interests of the Kashmiri people the Maharaja signed instrument of Accession to India.  [4]  It was further considered that the terrorist forces were under the patronage of Pakistan and was aimed at destabilizing the region. India further claims that it managed to garner the support from the Kashmiris and under plebiscite rule it became a part of the nation. Pakistan on the other hand held an opinion that was totally different. Pakistan never believed in the Accession agreement signed by India and continued to occupy a third portion of Kashmir.  [5]  The varied opinion was the main reason that led to the war and it was only after the interruption of the UN that both sides acknowledged the existence of a ceasefire. India continued to occupy most parts of Kashmir while the international community along with Pakistan refuted such a territorial occupation. Pakistan managed to control a part of the territory and at the same time refuted Indias claim. This was the scenario that prevailed in Kashmir after the war. The endeavors of the UN and the British prevented both the nations from breaking out into a war. Kashmir however was not given the privileges of a democracy by the India Union. India laid down the condition that unless Pakistani troops vacated the remaining portion entirely, democratic rights would be curbed in the region. Through the 1950s  [6]  , there was a tussle between the State Assembly and the power at the Centre in India for a more autonomous government. The Indian government was however very adamant in tackling the situation and maintained a heavy military presence in the region. It was in this period that the people of Kashmir were subjected to strict military surveillance be cause the Indian politicians especially Nehru was of the opinion that if the people were given the liberty, it would promote Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the region. b. 1965 War The year 1965 saw a desperate attempt by the Pakistani forces to seize Kashmir from the clasp of India. Between 1956 and 1962  [7]  , Pakistan managed to procure a heavy consignment of military equipment and this narrowed down the military prowess of India and Pakistan. Americas assistance to Pakistan could be a retaliatory step considering the fact that India and the Soviet Union had maintained a cordial relationship and this was beyond the comfort level of the US. The procurement emboldened Pakistan and it launched a fresh attack on India. India was however successful in fending off the attack and sought for international intervention in the region in order to settle the dispute. It was for the first time that an international player (other than the UN took part in the Kashmir issue). The Security Council passed Resolution 211 that mandated both the parties to respect the ceasefire and recede back to their respective territories  [8]  . Even countries like the US stopped pr oviding arms and ammunition to both the countries. This was instrumental in bringing both the parties to the talking table with the Soviet Union as the mediator. A treaty was signed by both parties in Tashkent and as per the treaty the armies of both the nations withdrew from the disputed area. The 1965 War clearly demonstrated the significance of the Kashmir issue and brought to light the roles played by China, the US and the Soviet in the geopolitics of South Asia. Unfortunately the cease fire that was promulgated by the foreign powers did not have any bearing in the relationship between the two countries.  [9]  It was only a titular agreement between the two countries that was aimed at preventing any sort of confrontation between the Indian Army and the Pakistani Army. The scenario in Kashmir and the plight of the Kashmiris did not undergo any change after the war. c. 1999 War A recurrent military-hybrid shift occurred in the 1980s through to the 1990s. After establishing a military regime through a coup in 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq came to rely significantly upon Islamist groups for domestic political legitimacy.  [10]  It was in this era that militancy in the region reached new heights. India blamed the Pakistani intelligence agencies for providing financial and logistical support to these militant groups. While a portion of the blame can be attributed to Pakistan, the Indian Army operating in the region had a role to play in the proliferation of these groups. What needs to be acknowledged is the fact there was widespread infiltration from the Pakistani borders into Indian soil. This was a constant feature in the 1990s and the Indian Army resorted to air attacks in a bid to stop infiltration into the country. It was claimed by India that the infiltrators were backed up by the Pakistani soldiers patrolling the borders. As the air raids to curb the infl ux heated up, Pakistan troops retaliated. The domino effect continued and this gave rise to the Kargil War in 1999. Constant shelling and airstrikes was a constant feature of the war. According to a Red Cross Report at least 30,000  [11]  were rendered homeless and they sought refuge in the Pakistani side of the Line of Control. Like the other two battles mentioned before, this too came to an end after an intervention by a third party. Pakistan and India both celebrated their victory in the war but the volatility in the region was never erased. As fallout of the insignificance of the war, the Prime Minister of Pakistan had to pave way for General Musharraf who seemingly focused on economic and social issues. Issue of the disputes The Kashmir conflict presents a very diabolical situation owing to the myriad opinions held by the two stakeholders on either side of the border. Both the sides have been steadfast in holding on to their whims and this has been the most serious issue. While numerous arrangements have been organized to tackle the issue, the unwillingness of both the parties has not allowed these talks to proceed in a positive direction. It is also noticeable that there has been a shift in the viewpoints when it comes to taking possession of Kashmir. A look into the perspectives of both the countries so that our understanding of the problem becomes clearer. a. The Pakistanis Argument Pakistan has always considered itself to be the deprived party when it comes to having a stake in Kashmir. In the earlier stages of the struggle, that is, the period just after 1947, Pakistan was over inclined to make Kashmir a part of it because of the higher percentage of Muslims in the region. So when India occupied the region, it was a feeling of deprivation for Pakistan. In retaliation to it, the Army tried to capture Kashmir but did not succeed. Pakistan has very often resorted to cataclysmic religious violence  [12]  in a bid to destabilize the region and win the sympathy of the Kashmiris. This was not the case in the earlier stage when fundamentalism with respect to religion was not tapped to secure Kashmir. During the early stages of the conflict, the Army was the face of Pakistan and it did not budge in revealing its intentions to claim Kashmir. However the brazen steps taken by the Army drew the wrath of international players and so it resorted to hardliners so that a proxy war could be fought. This can be proven from the fact that the number of infiltrations increasing in the period concerned. One would raise ones eyebrow considering the fact these people managed to cross the border with relative ease and without any sort of hindrance from the Pakistani side. Pakistan has always supported the UN Security Council resolutions that envisaged the Kashmiri people determining in a plebiscite  [13]  as opposed to the command over the region by the Indian Union. The recent statement by the president of Pakistan clearly demonstrates the fact that Pakistan is eager to see a Kashmir which is free from the clout of India. Zardari remarked that Pakistan will continue to support the right of the people of Jammu Kashmir to peacefully choose their destiny in accordance with the UN Security Councils long-standing resolutions on this matter.  [14]  India on the other hand has been able to ward off international pressure in spite of depriving the people of Kashmir a plebiscite rule. This has been the main concern for Pakistan because it would have preferred a neutral player controlling Kashmir instead of India. Occasionally, the Pakistani contingent has vented their war by making inroads into Kashmir through the coercive path. Pakistan has time and again improved its military might with the help of countries like China and Iran and when it felt that it could capture Kashmir, it instigated a war. Pakistan has also maintained s firm base in the Line of Control in the form of terrorist groups. Pakistan is now endeavoring to spread the cult of militancy and terrorism in new areas south of the Pir Panjal range in the Jammu region.  [15]  In this way Pakistan believes that the people of Kashmir would develop a deep sense of animosity towards India and enhance Pakistans propaganda of destabilizing the zone. One can even claim that Pakistan has been effective in this front as there have been numerous incidents involving tensions between Kashmir pundits and the majority Muslim population. The area covered by Azad Kashmir has been the nurturing ground for numerous fundamentalist groups namely Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.  [16]  Pakistan believes that it is their right to fight a battle in the name of religion and to claim Kashmir. Though this perspective is not blatantly endorsed, there has been enough proof to validate this claim. Leaders of militant groups such as L akhvi and Hafeez Saeed have found safe havens in Pakistan and all attempts to extradite them have failed. b. Indias Argument India has always claimed to be the rightful rulers of Kashmir. It does not acknowledge the UNs opinion of considering Kashmir as a disputed region. Additionally India has meted out special treatment to the region by curbing most of the democratic rights. While India is a democratic region, Kashmir has a military rule. Only recently has the legitimacy of the plebiscite rule been felt. The three wars fought with Pakistan have made the country wary of Pakistans intention so it feels justified to ramp up the military operations in the region. Unfortunately the Army and the implementation of Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) have given rise to controversies pertaining to human rights. Other moves included detaining suspected terrorists under Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, TADA (a controversial Act passed solely for this purpose), clamping unrest in the form of curfews, house to house searches and indiscriminate interrogation of the natives.  [17]  Throug h stringent rules India intends to keep the radical elements in check but on paper India establishes Kashmir as a democratic state with all the privileges of an autonomous state in the Indian Union. Kashmir is also of prime significance as it is the boiling point for the countries surrounding it. So by gaining extra mileage in any form India wants to exert its presence in the region. India considers such momentum important in order to curb the collusion between Pakistan and China against it. The wars in 1960s and the late 1990s were primarily initiated once Pakistan believed that it has the military prowess to defeat India. This confidence did not generate internally. The support extended by the US and China helped Pakistan improve its arsenal. So by maintain a firm base in Kashmir, India believes that it can negate the attacks perpetrated by Pakistan. Recent events show that the dispute over Kashmir has been taken to a new level after the increase in the number of infiltrators. India has been a victim of many terrorist activities in the past and the trace of the miscreants trailed up to the terrorist organizations in Kashmir and Pakistan. So India believes that unless it ramps up its military activities in Kashmir and the borders surrounding it the influx of such infiltrants would be in the ascendancy. As a result, the late 1980s witnessed a number of measures that was aimed at stopping the inflow. All men above the age of eighteen were issued identity cards and paramilitary patrols were stepped up in the region.  [18]  In spite of these measures and the increased surveillance across the borders, India has been a victim to the infiltrators who were responsible for carrying out blasts across cities and for carrying out the 26/11 Mumbai bloody drama, which involved attacks in as many as 11 places in the city that left 183 people , including 22 foreigners, dead.  [19]   Facets of Dispute Resolution There has been diversity in opinions when commentators narrate the current situation in Kashmir. While most are optimistic in their assessment there are many who still believe (especially separatists occupying Kashmir) that there no hope for Kashmir in the near future. This can be remarked from the increased activism by separatist groups. Even ordinary citizens from either side of the border perceive each other as threats. The era from 1947 to 2000 was unproductive as there were no resolute measures in resolving the stalemate. However according to the first school of thought there is a silver lining that seems to have appeared in this century. In the new century, changing trends in all fields of knowledge and the emphasis of people-to-people contact has become important for promoting mutual understanding between India and Pakistan.  [20]  It is fortunate that both the cultures are similar and this could be a basis for a friendly relationship. Both the countries have nuclear capabilities and this has decreased the possibility of a full scale war. Recently there have been talks that have promoted trade between the two nations. India was never in the most favored list of countries for trade with a very narrow positive list of 786 goods.  [21]  Pakistan has recently considered Indias case and one could soon see a transition in which bilateral trade is conducted between the two countries and this can be a catalyst in the peace talks between the two nations. Kashmir would also be an important region as it could intermediate the high volumes of trade that would ensue once the barriers to trade open up. On the flip side there has been numerous instances in which the talks to promote peace have failed miserably. The failed talks have been a major bottleneck in the way ahead because once such an event occurs there is a period of sustained inactivity in which both the parties refuse to cooperate in the peace dialogues. Most talks seem to revolve around Kashmir, border disputes and water sharing agreement. Unfortunately most issues remain unsolved for a very long time. Pakistans association with China also raises eyebrows in India and this could be a deterrent in the way ahead. India has never accepted China to be a super power in the subcontinent and there have been occasions of territorial dispute between India and China.  [22]  This has been a critical determinant in the interrelationship between India, Pakistan and China. The formation of a separatist group has added to the woes of Pakistan and India by adding another dimension to the Kashmir issue. The separatist groups have also started being vocal in demanding greater control through ideological leanings, political strategies, and goals  [23]  and have therefore started participating in the political agenda of Kashmir. Pakistan have always supposed these groups probably to avenge the 1971 episode in which India supported the creation of Bangladesh which was then a part of Pakistan. The separatists have deep animosity towards the Indian government and they are ruthless in displaying their discontent towards people who favor India. While the challenges that the stakeholders face is mottled, all the parties (India, Pakistan, Separatist and even China) should look to bring peace in the region. There can be numerous ways of coming out of the quagmire but it will require concerted efforts from every party and at the same time each player should be willing to be more open minded in accepting the credibility of the other party. Resolving the Kashmir Dispute The first step would be to demarcate the boundaries of Kashmir in a manner such that all the parties agree to it. It should be noted that the people of Kashmir should have their consensus before any line is drawn. Moreover history has proven that the Line of Control is a very volatile territory and very often the army of one country has a tendency to encroach upon foreign territory. It is therefore advisable that both the countries retract their army to a distance that is of considerable length. Involving a third party in the dispute has rarely paid off but the two countries could have a third party to monitor the activity at the borders. No third party would be willing to provide such support unless the financial assistance is provided by India and Pakistan. This will obviously be a costly affair but it will reconcile the two troops within safe distance from each other. While this is done, the Kashmir people can have their say in deciding their fate. Mere division of territories also presents numerous problems. Kashmir is home to various religious sects and this aspect of it has to be respected while moving along the lines of a division. It is highly improbable for the Hindu dominated region to accept Pakistan while the Buddhist contingent have always opposed the idea of a separate state.  [24]  Therefore when a divide is created based on vote structure, the people who will be the minority may face serious threats from the majority population. They would want to reside in a place where they find safety in numbers and the immigration of minority population may not be a smooth process as witnessed in 1947 after the partition took place. The nuclearization of India and Pakistan is thus an extraordinary moment in the narrative of Partition: both its telos, in that it confirms the national jingoism and the bloodthirsty hatreds that propelled the mass slayings and movements of population in 1947.  [25]  Therefore even if Kashmi r was to be divided based on religious inclinations, both India and Pakistan must provide a safe environment for the minority groups. It is the responsibility of the governments on either side to include people in the administrative processes. Both should give more liberty, not merely by granting elections but also by rolling back restrictions on business, terminating governmental monopolies in trade and commerce, and encouraging international investment bodies such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.  [26]  This is one area where both the countries have failed miserably. Preoccupying the Kashmir people with trade and commerce could have at least reduced dissatisfaction from the indigenous masses. 80% of the people depend on agriculture while the mineral rich state has not been fully exploited for commercial production.  [27]  Kashmir is also a very scenic place and has the scope for exploiting the tourism industry that has the potential to provide job opportunities to a lot many Kashmiris. The other facet of facilitating trade and commerce is that Kashmir will be integrated with their respect ive Unions. It will also provide scope for developing infrastructure like schools, roads and hospitals. With quality education and prosperous job opportunities, hardline groups will not be able to lure the youth into committing radical activities. While sections of the society have been able to lead a life of opulence there are many who have been deprived of basic necessities.  [28]  It was primarily the children of the latter section of the society who had been hoodwinked into pursuing radical activities. Extensive infrastructure coupled with quality education could be a way of appeasing the unrest among youth who rarely have anything to do. While control over Kashmir has been the contentious issue for India and Pakistan, both the countries have failed to resolve issues to sharing of water bodies. Even if the territories were to be demarcated aptly in order to suit the likings of the local masses, Kashmir presents another problem that is very significant. The Kashmir imbroglio has always been looked upon as a territorial dispute and water sharing have been given little thought to water sharing treaties. Both have so far managed to uphold a World Bank-mediated Indus Water Treaty (IWT) that provides mechanisms for resolving disputes over water sharing.  [29]  One cannot rely on the Treaty being a resolute stance taken by both the countries and any form of water scarcity in any country could lead to non-conformant of the agreement. Hostilities over water sharing between India and its more benevolent neighbor Bangladesh has already started and one can only expect the same relationship between India and Pakistan if any sc arcity arises. The Indus Water Treaty (1960)  [30]  that was intermediated by the World Bank has been able to keep both the parties at ease and the issue has not been the mooting point when peace dialogues have taken place. However one should realize the fact that the situation is still volatile. Over the years the issues concerning India and Pakistan have been Kashmir, insurgency, trade etc. Once these issues get resolved it is very likely that the issues related to water sharing may crop up and give rise to hostility between the two nations. As there is a rapid growth in urbanization there is a scarcity of potable water. Waterlogging, salinity, groundwater depletion and irrigation inefficiency continue to threaten agricultural production  [31]  and the Indus Water Treaty should be strong enough to be insulated from these phenomenon. It is also high time that the two countries looked at each other for support rather than going to international agencies. Both the countries h ave developed significantly over the years and they have sufficient resources to assess their situation better. Relying on the World Bank implies distrust towards each other and a sense of incapability to solve critical issues. Finally both the countries should not resort to any means that destabilizes the region. On the Pakistani side there is the Inter-Services Intelligence that is accused of training militants not only in Kashmir but also in regions bounding Afghanistan. People holding responsible positions in Pakistans administration along with many retired personnel have hinted on the relationship between the Inter-Services Intelligence and the militant groups.  [32]  On the Indian side there is the Research and Analysis Wing that is accused of spying into Pakistan and involving in secret activities. Throughout the Soviet/Afghan War the Research and Analysis Wing was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Pakistan from support of Afghan liberation movement against Indias ally, the Soviet Union.  [33]  Both sides accuse each other for facilitating bombing activities and resorting to means that destabilizes the region. This should be stopped immedi ately if both countries want to look at a brighter future. Sponsoring terrorism can have a retaliatory effect as illustrated by the Al-Qaeda Pakistan relation today. While Pakistan maintained a cordial relationship with the outfit, the 9/11 episode mandated Pakistan to take steps that would destabilize the group. Pakistan still faces a difficult choice; whether to support the group in order to take advantage of state sponsored terrorism or to completely eradicate the presence of these fundamentalist group from Pakistani soil. The Kashmir conflict has become more complicated since its inception and requires a thorough analysis of the issue in order to come to any definite solution. Moreover it is cannot be tackled by a one dimens

Social Work Planning for Child Abandonement

Social Work Planning for Child Abandonement Since the earliest times of humanity, the social issue of childhood abandonment, and further the social planning for this problem, has been a reality. The issue, although a fairly common occurrence in society, is a rather understudied trend. Additionally, children are a particularly vulnerable population who are often thought to be the property of their parents. This fact alone makes children of less importance in research as they are thought to be under the care and guidance of their mother and/or father. On the contrary, however, most prevalently documented in existing reports on children is the variations of abuse and neglect, even though physical abandonment is just as relevant, if not more important. For example, Who speaks for Joshua? was a question raised by Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun in his discussion of the plight of three-year-old Joshua DeShaney who had been beaten by his parents until permanently disabled (Ashby, 1997). What people should be asking, but arent, i s who speaks for the millions of orphans? Adults can speak for them, of course, but with varying interests and agendas and usually not within the interest of the actual children (Ashby, 1997). There is a much stronger focus on the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children than on their complete desertion. This problem is of particular importance because the number of children looking for families in orphanages, foster care, and on the streets is astonishing. It is also concerning that the children who are orphans have no control over their current situation, destiny, or fate. Sociological research has shown family to be one of the most important foundations of life; it is the first social group an individual is a part of, and the impact of the family system on an individual is crucial and wide-ranging. Social workers should better acquaint themselves with the issue of social planning for abandoned children to improve the current and future practice and policy in this area. Introduction Currently there is no one central source which monitors the number of children abandoned across America (Edwards, 2000). While the parental reasons for abandonment are wide ranging, the act of desertion most often results in the child becoming a responsibility of the state, in a child welfare agency, or can at times end in death. Childhood abandonment does not have one clear all inclusive definition. The act of abandonment itself can be as harsh as leaving a child on a door step, in front of a hospital or church, or simply leaving them on the streets to fend for themselves. It could also be seen as parents neglect of a child over an extended period of time (Mason, 2009, p. 29). While the issue of childhood abandonment remains a vast problem in itself, the social planning for abandoned children is also of immense concern. Children can no longer fend for themselves on the streets; orphanages and foundling homes are not sufficient for the individuals attention and stimulation either (Bu rstein, 1981). Thus, the move from the streets to foster care, relative guardianships, or adoptive families is necessary, yet remains extremely difficult for a variety of reasons to this day. There are many problems and difficulties encountered within orphanages, foster care, and ultimately the adoption of a dependent child that need be addressed by current policy. History The social issue of childhood abandonment has been prevalent throughout history and is quite possibly the most extreme form of child neglect. There have been accounts in ancient Greece, from the Hebrews, from Europe and many other ancient civilizations (Burnstein, 1981). In the book History of Childhood (1974), author Lloyd Demause, concluded that love for children did not exist in ancient society; he stated child abandonment was common among the poor until the fourth-century B.C. Perhaps one of the earliest documentations of child physical abandonment is with Moses, who was left by his mother in a conscious effort to save his life (Burnstein, 1981, p. 214). Childhood abandonment can be seen in virtually every society. As early as the colonization of North America, homeless, orphaned children were already running rampant. As much of the literature illustrates, social planning for childhood abandonment was not considered a problem until the nineteenth-century. LeRoy Ashby notes in his book Endangered Children: Dependency Neglect and Abuse in American History (1997), concerns about endangered and needy children have been particularly evident during times of social stress (p. 2). He also notes that most often those who discovered childhood abandonment were only concerned of the disorder and squalor of the growing cities and not the children themselves (Ashby, 1997). This is because children were the hope-or threat-of the future and thus need to be protected (Trattner, 1998). The recognition of neglect like child abandonment was not seen in North America for some time, mostly due to the fact that children remained indentured servants and property of their parents; childhood was not considered a crucial development phase (Trattner, 1998). A transformative view of children came in the 1700s when society beg an to see children as innocents whoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦deserved special attention and protection (Ashby, 1997, p.16). Much of the initial response by the colonies in child welfare matters was the result of the 1601 Elizabethan Poor Law, which had significant implications for dependent children (Ashby, 1997). Similarly, the doctrine of parens patriae affirmed the state is the ultimate parent of every child (Ratliff, 2000). However, throughout the colonial and early national times, the extent of laws against child neglect crimes, and furthermore social planning for dependent children, remained rather unclear. Some literature suggests that abandoned children have always been a concern in this country, but this fact is not well documented. The social problem of planning for these neglected children is not well recorded or detailed by any particular person or group of individuals seeing as its existence dates as far back to the earliest man. From the time of mans arrival in the western world, indenture and outdoor relief dominated the seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries policies regarding child dependency (Ashby, 1997, p. 14). However, for orphan and needy children in the 1700s, officials, fellow citizens, and familial networks responded with sympathy and concern; although their first interest remained with their own families and affairs (Ashby, 1997). Almshouses were established few and far between in the 1700s as small, emergency-only, traditional forms of child welfare (Ashby, 1997). The introduction of such almshouses and orphanages demonstrated that, by the nineteenth-century, new res ponses to child dependency were apparent. Many social work researchers would attribute the recognition of the social planning for dependent children to early-nineteenth century reformers who saw children as the possibility for constructive altruism (Trattner, 1998, p. 108). It was at this time that the child welfare movement swept into the beginning of the twentieth-century (Trattner, 1998). Although indenture systems were the way of early colonial times, they also contained suggestions of child welfare strategies which integrated a shift in values towards foster care and adoption (Ashby, 1997). Values Societal Institutional Arrangements Values played a large role in identifying both the problem and possible resolutions with the issue of social planning for abandoned children in early America. First, the sensitive realization of children as more than property has been essential to the steps toward planning for dependent, neglected children. A change in early America came when society began to recognize children as posing a sort of social problem [that can]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦produce legal responses (Dingwall, Eekelaar, Murray, 1984, p. 208). Charles Brace, the nineteenth-centurys most effective helper of children on the streets, was quoted in saying the child, most of all, needs individual care and sympathy (Olasky, 1994, p. 46). Although Brace is cited much more recently in the literature on dependent child, his thoughts and values are the same upon which the first institutions combating child dependency were founded. In addition, Fredrich Froebel posed that children needed to exercise their minds and bodies (Trattner, 1998, p. 111). Reformers began initiating institutions, such as the orphan asylum, as a solution for the mounting crisis of parentless children (Ashby, 1997). Society had finally begun to recognize the special needs of children and unearthed a new concern for the best interests of the child. The recognition of family values and the family as an elemental social institution also helped interventions, which came about on behalf of the welfare of the child. Charles Braces goal was to find adoptive homes for the orphans to get them under the combination of love and discipline that parents can provide (Olasky, 1994, p. 46). Childhood abandonment is actually first mentioned in the literature in relation to providing basic care for parentless children (Burnstein, 1981, p. 214). Herein lies the fact that social planning for abandoned children has been an issue for many years. In 1729 the first orphanages in the United States were founded by nuns to provide care for a group of children whose parents died in an Indian massacre (Lewis Solnit, 1975). This institution, as well as many others that have since developed, served as a somewhat replacement family for poor neglected children. In some instances, almshouses served to keep poverty stricken families together, allowing families , most often mothers and children, to sleep in the same ward (Ashby, 1997). Many more social agencies similar to these were formed all over North America throughout the 1800s. Another value set forth in this revolutionizing era was that of reforming poverty and unrest in society. Children sheltered in the orphanages were supposed to learn virtue and pietyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦industry and cleanliness, they were educated and taught the importance of hard work (Ashby, 1997, p. 17). Religious values were also on the rise at this time; evangelical religious beliefs and humanitarian attitudes began sweeping across America (Trattner, 1998). Of the 150 orphanages founded between 1820 and 1850, nearly all were tied to religious groups (Ashby, 1997). The combination of the familial, societal, and religious values assisted in the institutions established for the abandoned children in society. Both the values and social institutional arrangements have influenced the understanding of this problem. Family, one of the most fundamental institutional arrangements for a young impressionable child, is nonexistent to an orphan. This has contributed to our understanding that each child is entitled to grow up within a family, they need a safe, nurturing environment with at least one adult figure (Rosenberg, 1992, p. 171). As a society that respects the welfare of children, it is thus the responsibility of individuals to set up well-running safe havens for these orphans. Furthermore, it is societys responsibility to provide the utmost care and protection for neglected, dependent children; whether this is in an orphanage, foster care, or with an adoptive family (Rosenberg, 1992). Due to the familial focus of the almshouses and orphanages, society further realizes that these small, drab institutions are no place for a dependent child to spend their entire young life. Institutions set f orth to house dependent children, as described previously, were intended to provide basic care for parentless children. Furthermore, it thus comes to ones attention that these institutions can quickly become overcrowded and fall short of a real family. Many almshouses, as described by historians and social work researchers, were vile catchalls for victims of every sort of misery [and] misfortuneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦herded together and badly mistreated (Trattner, 1998, p. 113). In fact, most orphanages began as temporary homes for children who had lost one or both parents (Ashby, 1997). This raises the question of what to do once institutions wont suffice as home to an orphaned child or is not a safe place for a youth to reside in; the issues with social planning for orphaned children are wide-ranging and never ceasing. Our understanding, therefore, is that the social planning for dependent children needs revamping. Further Descriptions of the Problem The problem of childhood abandonment affects over 400 million children who live on their own on the streets of hundreds of cities around the world (ISK). The Department of Social Welfare and Development documents over 100 abandoned children turned over to them every 2 months (100 kids abandoned every 2 months). It has also been recorded that a child becomes an orphan every 2 seconds, leaving the number of dependent children looking for families and homes at an alarming, increasing rate (ISK). The population most affected by the social planning for abandoned children is most directly the orphans themselves; however, the problem also affects society at large. With an ever increasing number of dependents, the state has an obligation to care for the growing number of parentless children. Organizations and institutions must sustain their moral values and keep up their work while at the same time receiving and/or raising adequate funds (Rosenberg, 1992). Agencies can often wither away from lack of finances and loss of morale; it is important to remember the welfare of the child and attempt to sustain almshouses, orphanages, and foster homes (Dingwall, Eekelaar, Murray, 1984). Mothers of abandoned children are also being affected, psychologically and emotionally, dealing with the loss of a child they could not afford, did not plan for, or simply could not keep. The future of society is also affected, many fear that if the practice and policy surrounding child welfare does not improve, it is feared that the destiny of America is a national catastrophe; after all, children, even dependent, neglected, and poor children, are todays future (Trattner, 1998). The problem of social planning for abandoned children is namely impacted socioeconomically, by societal values, and by power, or lack thereof. The problem of childhood abandonment tends to persist most often when mothers are frightened that they simply cannot provide for their offspring (Burnstein, 1981). In this case, they will desert the child due to a lack of resources to sustain the childs well-being. Similarly, the state struggles to afford the cost of the ever increasing number of orphans who are turned over to their care (Dingwall, Eekelaar, Murray, 1984). The issue is initially presented, however, because society values family and the protection of parentless children. Furthermore, lack of power in society, related with economic problems can create a less than desirable outcome for caring for these dependent children. Varying child welfare agencies including almshouses and orphanages have continually struggled for funds to support orphan children, and furthermore, foster hom es are few and far between for a variety of reasons. There is a serious lack of families willing and wanting to adopt, therefore leaving orphans to permanently reside in institutions that were meant to be only temporary. The problem of social planning for the abandoned child originated mainly because of the lack of sufficient funds and the power to raise these funds. It is difficult to make a difference, or even bring the problem to the attention of powerful individuals that could make a difference, thus perpetuating the issue. Societal values, as mentioned before, have contributed to the impact of childhood abandonment; family values and the welfare of society are both concerns that sparked the onset of social planning for dependent, neglected children (Ashby, 1997). Societys Response to the Problem In response to the problem of social planning for abandoned children society has long had a desire to help the immense number of boys and girls floating and drifting about our streets (Ashby, 1997, p. 39). In terms of governmental action, several policies have been designed to remedy the social problem. From the year 1641, legislation has continually been passed to protect the rights and lives of innocent dependent children (Ashby, 1997). In the 1700s dependent children and orphans were not cared for but, on the other hand, were considered indentured work for families (Ashby, 1997). The first establishment of orphanages, as stated previously, came about from religious institutions in the 1800s; half a century later, concern about growing up in orphanages, private agencies began placing orphans in foster families (Murray Gesiriech, 2004). Starting in the early 1900s, the first state laws preventing child abuse and neglect were passed and the first federal childrens bureau was establi shed (Murray Gesiriech, 2004). Mainly, the transformation of social services at the start of the early 1960s has affected the social planning for dependent children (Gilbert Terrell, 2010). Since the first gain of financial support in 1962, there have been changes concerning social allocations, both selective and universal, aid in functioning and economic independence in families, income maintenance, and financial grants for services (Gilbert Terrell, 2010). However, most of the continual of these policies focus has been on maintaining the family unit (Gilbert Terrell, 2010). The Social Security Act of 1935 authorized the first federal grants for child welfare services, under what later came to be known as Subpart 1 of Title IV-B of the Social Security Act (Murray Gesiriech, 2004). More recently, in 2008, the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, P.L. 110-351 was enacted. The purpose of the Act is to amend certain aspects of Title IV-B (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) of the Social Security Act in order to connect and support relative caregivers, improve outcomes for children in foster care, provide for tribal foster care and adoption access, improve incentives for adoption, and for other purposes (Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008). The major provisions of the Act are as follows: Allowed states to provide payments, and Medicaid, for kinship guardianship assistance under title IV-E for children whose relatives were taking legal guardianship and hence removing them from foster care Provided stricter criminal background checks, including child abuse and neglect registry checks of relative guardians, and adults living in the guardians home. Allowed services to continue for youth who left foster care, kinship guardianship, or adoption after age 16 by amending the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program Helped at-risk children in foster care reconnect with family members through a variety of programs authorized by grants to state, local, and tribal child welfare agencies and Doubled the incentive payment amounts for special needs adoptions to $4,000 and older child adoptions to $8,000 by extending the Adoption Incentive Program to the year 2013 Obliged child welfare agencies to notify all adult relatives of a child within 30 days of their removal and inform them of the options to become a placement resource for the child, and also required siblings to attempt to be put in the same placement Required that all children receiving foster care, adoption, or guardianship payment to be enlisted in school full-time unless they were otherwise incapable due to a documented medical condition Demanded the integration of healthcare services for children in foster care, including dental services and mental health Required that caseworkers develop a personalized transition plan as directed by the child, 90 days prior to the childs emancipation (Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008) The coordination and focus of this policy, along with other statutes currently in place to combat the issue of social planning for abandoned children alleviates some of the adverse effects on the children. In conclusion, the problem of the increasing number of abandoned children is neither a new issue, nor is the concern of social planning for orphans something newly relevant to the times. The historical overview of the social problem, including who first identified the issue, can provide a context with which to understand and provide groundwork for new directions possible in practice and policy. By examining the role of values and societal institutional arrangements, the problem can be better understood and combatted.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Truth is in the Details :: Comparative, The Naturalist

When I received the assignment of comparing and contrasting the â€Å"Naturalist† to that of â€Å"Landscape and Narrative†, admittedly I was a bit dismayed at the idea of analyzing two writings I seemed to comprehend very little of. Upon reading them over and over, jotting down idea after idea, and crumpling up paper after paper, I came to the conclusion that I may or may not be over-thinking the assignment. My interpretation, though a bit underdeveloped, is this: Barry Lopez, in â€Å"The Naturalist† explains what it means to be a naturalist, the expectations a naturalist, and the modern naturalist’s ideology. He speaks of how knowledge is best gained, which he believes is through â€Å"enormously time-consuming† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122) firsthand experience; by â€Å"immersing yourself in its milieu† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 116), or environment. He uses the example of the caracara, in the â€Å"Naturalist.† He says, â€Å"if you wish to understand the caracara, you need to know a great deal about exactly where the caracara lives; and what the caracara’s relationships are with each of the many components of that place, including its elevations, its seasonal light.† (â€Å"The Naturalist 116). This fits in nicely with the point he makes in â€Å": Landscape and Narrative†. He defines two landscapes: external, â€Å"the one we see†¦the land†¦its plants and animals†¦its weather, its geology, the record of its climate and evolution.† (â€Å"Landscape and Narrative† 5). The other is the internal one, which Lopez describes as â€Å"a kind of projection within a part of the exterior landscape.† (â€Å"Landscape and Narrative† 7). More or less, I think he’s saying that one’s mindset, feelings, and purpose are determined by nature; the world around us. Lopez mentions that â€Å"those fresh to a task†¦are the ones most likely to give themselves a deadline†¦which will challenge themselves to know all there is to know† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122) about a particular thing. But, as he points out, â€Å"lack of end points† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122) conflict with â€Å"the short-term demands of modern life.† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122). He refers to the fact that he still goes down to the river and always feels like something new will reveal itself. Putting oneself on a deadline never works. Those opposed to, or believing differently than naturalists, or â€Å"tyrants† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122), â€Å"aim to silence the naturalists† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122), to avoid having their beliefs called into question or contradicted. Lopez fears those people; some in a position of political power, and with an abundance of confidence are â€Å"ready to tell the county commissioners what the river is† (â€Å"The Naturalist† 122).